Special Services

Welcome to the Special Services Department of the Southampton Township School District!

The Department of Special Services provides wrap around services for students within our school district. The creation and implementation of Individualized Educational Programs to eligible students in pre-school through grade eight throughout the district are also created within our department.

Other functions of the Department of Special Services include the coordination and development of special education programs across all district schools, coordination of out of district special education placements, and oversight of all related services, homebound instruction, 504 plans, English Language Learners and McKinney Vento eligible students.

The Department facilitates Parent Advisory groups throughout the year for all parents.







I wanted to send out a link for mindfulness activities and coping strategies that may be helpful.


Coping Strategies and relaxation techniques if your child feels anxious:  https://www.seattlechildrens.org/pdf/PE698.pdf




As always, if a student is experiencing a crisis, the following resources may be utilized:


NJ Perform Care: 1-877-652-7624


Oaks Integrated Care: (856) 428-HELP